Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) has granted a license to NextCare Holding to establish NextCare Bahrain B.S.C. in the country. It was incorporated in Bahrain with a paid up capital of US$ 8 million and became a member of the German Bavaria-based Allianz Group in 2006. Bahrain-based holding company has subsidiaries in the UAE, Egypt, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia.
They specialise in ancillary service provider activities, in which they assist insurance companies in processing and following up the medical insurance claims process including the regular customer support.
“We are pleased to license NextCare and look forward for the company to expand its services in the Middle East and North Africa,“ said CBB Licensing & Policy Director Ahmed Abdulaziz Al Bassam. “The recent statistics shows rapid growth in health insurance which recognises the potential opportunities in the MENA region“ he added.
Read Full Article: http://epaper.dt.bh/PUBLICATIONS/DAILYTRIBUNE/DAI/2013/05/15/ArticleHtmls/CBB-grants-license-to-NextCare-15052013022020.shtml?Mode=1